Home > Sin categoría > Hernia International video documentary. Tanzania.

This 30-minute video documentary gives an insight into the workings of one of the campaigns carried out with Hernia International in Tanzania, as told by the members who took part. The mutual collaboration between HI and our Foundation is an example of cooperation in favour of those most in need. We share volunteers, work locations and, above all, the same vision of how to carry out surgical health care campaigns in the most needy places on the planet.
The video was made by Assist. Prof. Jurij Gorjanc, MD, PhD, FRCS, FEBS AWS, Klinikum Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Klagenfurt. Klagenfurt, Austria. He was the coordinator of this campaign in Malya, Tanzania, in March 2022.

Don’t miss it. It gives an overview of our campaign work.


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